
By submitting your response to Stole Supply, you agree to the following terms.

Stole Supply is NOT LIABLE for errors in a final product caused by any of the following reasons: Layout errors, omitted, mistyped, or misspelled Words, grammar, punctuation.

You understand that any errors existing on the submitted design will be embroidered and that any additional costs incurred to fix these errors are your responsibility. Fixes will also cause significant delays in your order.

You have verified that spelling and content are correct and assume all responsibility for typographical errors.

You are satisfied with the layout you have created. Stole Supply will try it’s best to match the layout created/

You understand that your item will embroider as close as possible as it appears on your design and that you cannot make any changes once submitted

You certify that you are legally authorized to utilize any design/art/photograph(s) being supplied to Stole Supply for the purposes of fulfilling this order. Further, you indemnify, hold harmless, and agree to defend Stole Supply, it’s vendors, and affiliates from any suit, claim, or demand arising from your reproduction or use of this material.

*Please note the color on your monitor may not be representative of the final piece. Stole Supply will try it’s best to match the color, however we are not liable for the final appearance of a color. The design studio predicts design layout, text accuracy, image proportion, and placement, but not color or density. In addition, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.